Why don't you come on in and have a seat over there. We have all prepared statements for you.
Why don't you come on in and have a seat over there. We have all prepared statements for you.
Internet: 151,005 Robin Thicke: 0
It figures when I stop eating fast food is when they start giving away all of the good stuff. First McDonald's, then this.
What? So...is that what the world consists of? Blaming the victim? When are these asshats going to grow the fuck up and start taking responsibility for their own fucked up actions?
Nice Ms. Braxton. Good to see you views autism as horrible punishable offense to children whose parents had an abortion. I feel for her, I do, but she can fuck off. Her child is beautiful and special person...don't make him feel like shit because he is different.
I love you so much for this.
If you throw some Red Vines this way, perhaps I can convince Walter to investigate.
This has all of the makings of one of the best movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The marketing is genius...and the title card blurb is priceless.
"You're Welcome"
If I was that dude's girlfriend, I would have all of my fun revenge screwing/dating/whatever, laugh over the sniveling baby he became when he realised that things did not go his way, tell him to fuck off [exhibit A: channel Stella Gibson], and skip off into the sunset knowing that I was awesome.
This, ladies and…
These two have helped me restore faith in humanity.
This cracks me up...they are getting married in a place were nobles/commoners alike used to defecate and urinate in the hallways/stairways/etc. Somehow, this seem appropriate. (that and this couple is one of the prime examples of excess)
I am pretty sure I lost a weekend of my life doing something similar back in college.
...so...basically this translates to: "We are not telling you plebeians shit about our life...so we are throwing you this bone for you all to fight over. Now go buy our albums."
It still makes me sad that (according to just about everyone) "Grace of Monaco" was just a gilded mess. Oh well...I'll just watch it for the costume designs.
Perhaps if we ignore Rihanna, she will go away...
This really disappoints me...well, I guess when you have too many fans, you need to start thin the herd.
I *think* in this instance, it means Instagram...as in: "Instagram Fantasy" then "Real Life Failure"
Meh. I couldn't really care less about Beyonce and her "mysterious life". I just saw a woman beating the shit out of her sister's husband, and my interest was piqued.
Drama = ticket sales