Were the designers of the infamous Batnipples tapped for this gig?
Were the designers of the infamous Batnipples tapped for this gig?
I know where ever she is, she really just doesn't give a fuck being represented or not. In fact, she would be heckling herself and the bullshit politics...and would just be happy to still be stirring the pot and causing trouble from the afterlife.
Anytime I think I want off of this goddess-forsaken rock, Resident Badass Ruth Bader Ginsburg has to go and make me proud to be a member of the human species.
Yeah...I know it is time to drop an app once I am forced to watch aging desperate celebrities struggling to regain fame on said app that has nothing to do with said celebrity.
I still bow down at the altar of "The Outer Limits", "The Man That Was Never Born" still kicks me into tears.
Huh. I am at a curious loss for an proper response...
That is one of the techniques of torture they use in Guantanamo Bay. True Story.
YO. I named my kid Logan back in 2003 after the badass Wolverine. SO SUCK IT BOY BAND!
Agent Scully's skeptibrow is skeptical .
Huh. Not entirely sure how I feel about this.
It scares me just how much like my ex-asshole resembles the photo up top...straight down to the denial of hair loss
I think Cameron peaked at the recent Duggar wedding, where he 'partied' (and I use that term VERY VERY loosely) until the late hour of 1:30 AM...and personally made sure there was no 'unholy' unions happening with unmarried heathens.
I am jealous. I wish I had the talent of Cameron's complete and utter denial...and the ability to come up with an absurd explanation that amounts to "Because Bible" (see the Bill Nye/Ken Hamm debate for further reference) to anything anyone can lob at him. In any case, after this laugh-feast passes, the Millennials…
Still waiting for Nic Cage to come back home.
I currently do volunteer work at a family violence center...seeing how these yahoos are scaring these women, I just filled out information to become a Patient Escort Volunteer at Planned Parenthood. I have been wanting to do this for quite awhile, and this just make it a reality. Thanks you ignorant bullies
You know you are cooking a true Southern dish when the recipe calls for "Duke's (and not any of that other Yankee shit)" and some form of lard (Crisco for the healthy-minded).
Meh, just throw me in the oven and shut the door. I am dead...doesn't matter...plant a tree on a plot of land in my honour...I don't need anything fancy...BECAUSE I AM DEAD. (of course, I do respect those that have final wishes due to religious or personal beliefs...I just want to keep it simple)