
Two huge wings for flying on the ground. One of the faster time trials cars from the National Auto Sport Association’s weekend at MSR-Houston.

When I was driving cab, I’ve always wanted to slam on the brakes and tell the passenger to get out if they proclaim they didn’t like the Eagles. Thankfully for their sake, that hasn’t happened.

I always wondered what a Buick F-body would look like...

Welcome to Paper Jam, the feature where we highlight the best automotive advertisements from the past! Print might

I wonder what would happen if a taxi company pulled a stunt like surge pricing?

This is my favorite TED I’ve seen

Ford F-150: I can take a .22, no prob...

~Finish fapping, hop over to Jalopnik to ease the feelings of dirty, guilty, remorse and see this post...

Except for this one...

Never thought as the Dodge Viper as an allegory for Jesus before. So when are we going to hear passages from the Book of Iacocca?

My chauffeur informs me that my Bentley’s repair manual is indeed a veritable treasure trove of information!

Replace Step 1’s “Old Junker” with “Saab” to get the same effect.