
Boss: Where do see yourself in 5 years?

If my daughter wants to race when she is older, I will encourage her to do so, and to do her best to be the best

Hmmmm, needs more cowbell...

When I was driving cab, I’ve always wanted to slam on the brakes and tell the passenger to get out if they proclaim they didn’t like the Eagles. Thankfully for their sake, that hasn’t happened.

I always wondered what a Buick F-body would look like...

Perfect sleeper

I work as a dispatcher for a taxi in FDL, WI, and people complain that $7 for a one-way trip is a bit pricey. I could only image if we surged the price to $8 for that night, they would all go apeshit.

This is my favorite TED I’ve seen

Ford F-150: I can take a .22, no prob...

But the question remains, can I live in it, down by the river?

Except for this one...

Never thought as the Dodge Viper as an allegory for Jesus before. So when are we going to hear passages from the Book of Iacocca?

Am I the only who had to look at the picture for a good moment to tell them apart?

During any special stage they should be given challenges, such as they each need to eat a pizza while delivering a 3rd pizza to the officials at the end of that leg, and extra ‘Murica points for each slice of that other pizza eaten before handing it off.