
Ted Cruz is Vogon poetry personified.

Windows 7 called. . .

D.B. Pooper

Am I missing something here? The guy set the autopilot and bailed / jumped / fell out. Plane ran out of gas. Everything seems explained on how the plane ended up in the snow.

Parachute, poorly faked death.


and an officer? which strikes me as odd considering how we worship the cops.

Although black students reportedly earn 4.5 percent of all computer science and engineering degrees, they make up only 2 percent of the Silicon Valley workforce.

What exactly does it say about me that I did in fact click on this story, knowing I would have to look at multiple horrible close-ups that made me gag, and am still commenting on it?

What is your fear with your child receiving the recommended vaccinations on the recommended timeline? If it’s just “gee 27 seems like a big number”, that’s dumb. If it’s “I want to avoid autism”, that’s also dumb. I’m just wondering what your rationale could be? It doesn’t sound like you’re using anything but your own

Does a 12 month old need 27 shots for 23 various diseases while their immune system is still developing?

Daycares take in babies through school-age kids. Babies can catch deadly (for them) diseases from older kids who haven’t been properly vaccinated.

HPV can be picked up in all kinds of ways, and little kids get exposed too. Getting them a shot for it before they’ve been exposed to any of the strains it covers makes their chances for not getting an HPV-cased cancer later much better.

Children can be vectors for diseases without contracting it themselves, vaccinated or not. Many children have younger, un-vaccinated siblings at home, that could then contract an illness that they would not have been exposed to otherwise.

“Some will argue that it is an individual rights or freedom issue”

NO! It’s only fair that the country with the most poisonous animals has the most poisonous children.

Poo like samurai

I ran my car into a mall but I didn’t hit anyone, no harm no foul.

Put your right ankle in and put your right ankle out,