
I'm speculating, but I'd guess it is because they are concerned about enterprising web sites (of the adult variety and otherwise) registering said domains. Then, NBC could be retroactively linked by critics to content over which they have no control. In short, I think it's done for CYA purposes.

I am guessing their reactions are "Sigh. What are those idiots doing down there? Oh, well, back to work."

I work in a lab where we have access to the artificial color blue #1.

it's under the seat in the Soyuz... really used to keep bears and wolves away when they go unguided and reenter in the middle of nowhere as the linked article explains.
None of the cosmonauts or astronauts (both are trained on it's use if they fly in a Soyuz) are going to fire that sucker off in space... it's just

Fuck politics. They only get in the way of humanity's progress, and this is yet another example of that. Who's with me in starting a meritocracy? :D

I present you, the new "GIZMODO OFFICIAL EXCITEMENT METER", and here for the first time it will be used to determine Gizmodo's excitement for the new android powered Nokia device.

You are not making me feel better.

It isn't a contest, it is a measurement of how well we are educating OUR citizens. I really don't care if they think rocks are vegetables in the EU, I really only care about the study as it pertains to the country in which I reside.

Do we really need more evidence that a large part of the American populace is science stupid?

Have you ever heard of the "Wow! signal" that was detected in 1977 by the the Big Ear telescope? A strong narrow band signal at 1420 MHz. It just so happens hydrogen resonates at 1420 MHz, and its a restricted frequency. A narrow band signal that strong seemingly defies any natural explanation.

You had to know this was coming:

Some guys really are very pretty. They're still guys, and still post-pubescent.

They look objectified? Geez, how unfortunate for us men.

This is genderswapping? They either look androgynous or prepubescent, would it have been so difficult to butch them up a bit?

The title is all wrong. Should be:

They don't do anything for me. Probably because, to my eyes, they look only halfway genderswapped. They look more androgynous than actually male, if you can see what I'm trying to say.

If you give them enough free food, undergrads will say whatever you want them to say.

Wait. You are trying to illustrate "cursory hate" right?

Wow. Such retouching. Much bad. Very feminism. Wow.