
Apolo13 in-space action was shot mostly in Zero G - or it Earth equivalent: The Vomit Comet.

15 X-Wings and 15 Y-Wings. The X-Wings were there to support the Y-Wings. And as my dad (USAF Maj. Ret.) always says..."Soooo.....why didn't the X-Wings just drop into the trench and blast Vader?"

Could be. There was an experiment that created something like ball lightning by setting fire to small particles of dust, though.

Honestly the single best career path to do the most evil in the world is missed.?

I'm sure it's inhabited too.

Hold up...not so much.

I absolutely hate it that the start button has been restored just because some people are too retarded to understand that it appears when you point your mouse at the bottom left corner. Takes what, ten seconds to accomodate to ?

The only reason to ever do it under.

Personally, I think that if you are going to write a program with a gui, (or a web page. whatever) then a visual editor for the ide is critical. Personally I find it a whole lot easier to design things fluidly, instead of sitting down with a pen and paper and working out the design specifics, then having to debug

I think it's great. One of the ultimate goals of software engineering is making things as modular as possible. The drag-and-drop methodology is the direct result of that thinking and, if done right, will only result in more uniform code that is easy to prototype and easy to debug. Plus, I feel that imagination

...a Gizmodo post that doesn't have its head firmly buried six feet in Apple's anus? Perish the thought. Jamie, the ghost of Uncle Steve is going to haunt you for eternity for this one.

We didn't start the fire.


If Congress were actually and literally on fire, they couldn't cooperate long enough to pass a "Throw Water on Congress Act"

With the way our Congress has been acting, it's unlikely. They have turned their backs on NASA, and aren't too concerned with any races yet either. Apparently China planning a space station within the next decade doesn't seem to phase them.

Please, please, please find some form of microbial life. We really need a good jump start to major increases in funding for space exploration. Finding extraterrestrial life would likely do it.

"But what about the R.O.U.S.'s"

Case in point: kittens.