
I miss the Bay.

A tiny change in alignment changes travel time by a lot, esp considering whether gravity assists are used.

Well, if you build a quantum computer, sooner or later they'll be available publicly, and then you'd have quantum encryption, which can't be cracked without destroying the information.

Agreed. Yes, it is hard and not as beginner-friendly, but god, once you learn it, c/c++ literally opens up the world. Basically every other language becomes easy (well, maybe not assembly).

A Planck length, ~1.616e-35 m, is the shorted length that could possibly be measured with any real meaning (due to quantum stuff that I'm not familiar with). The shortest meaningful time, then, is the Planck time, or ~5.39e-44 s, the time it takes light to travel one Planck length.

You'll need infrastructure on the Moon, and that's arguably a bigger feat than sending a man to Mars and then brining him back safely.

Sign up for a run. You don't want the registration fee to go to waste.

needs moar boosters.

Good on you still writing on new year's/eve

If your resolution includes running, the best way to make sure you keep doing it is to join a race. Hell, I'm not letting that $85 half marathon fee go to waste.

Against all laws of physics, he detaches himself from his safety harness while Ryan could've just pulled him in.

Well, to be fair to him, He was facing the Flying Dutchman, which has a crew that can't exactly be killed...

Alienware m15x. (My friend has a m17x and he uses a 240W power brick.) Runs on a i7-740qm and a GTX 260m, and I essentially use it as a portable desktop. For actual mobility I have a Surface Pro 2.

Well... My laptop takes 150W to charge and 90W to just run on external power... This thing is obviously for featherlights.

NASA's track history is pretty good imo. The lack of a US manned space program is no so much NASA's problem, but rather Congress' and the general public's, who stopped seeing a value in NASA after the end of the space race because space exploration doesn't give immediate tangible returns (long-term returns are

Nononono. The biggest disappointment is that HL3 or even just ep3 isn't announced.

Hmmm... Betcha there's a market for this in China right now...

The existence of a notifications center. It's an absolutely useless deluge of information.