
affects, not effects. To effect is to cause something to occur; to affect is to alter.

I think perhaps until we are able to implement an inherently "fuzzy," i.e. probablistic, computer/program, AI would never be able to think like humans simply because computers are inherently deterministic whilst the brain relies on biological processes that are ultimately quantum-based and not deterministic.

I don't think it looks cheap, per se. The typographic, chrome-less look is very refreshing in an age where everyone seems to like gloss and gradients and skeumorphism that serves actually little useful purpose. IMO at lost of the current design, though shiny and nice looking, violate quite a few of Dieter Ram's design

I second that. I heavily doubt that the NSA, FBI, KGB, MI5, and every other spy organisation, together with every employee at Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and every other service provider, would be able inspect everything by eye and still continue to function/make a profit/create new

I found that a horsehead mask and an assorted collection of hats to be an excellent ice breaker.

One of the things I've always wondered about NDEs/death is whether the brain itself actually experiences a termination. (Wild speculations ahead) What if the processing power and speed of the brain increases asymptotically as the organism nears (externally observed) death? That would explain the surge of electrical

You're not serious, are you?

$600 for a steel frame?

Assuming the biography was written after LBJ left office (1969) and the girl immediately bought the book after publication the same year, 60 years would place These two in the year 2029.

My cat is. But he is not sentient so far as I know.

So basically Grammarly for phones?

Kazakhstan you very nice place...

What I never understood about the royal baby coverage is that fact that, back somewhere in the 1700s or something, a bunch of people living on the eastern seaboard of North America who didn't wear red coats fought some sort of war for the express purpose for not having to pay attention to the Crown.

Just for reference - you can actually have a PIN longer than 4 digits. I use Wells Fargo and I think they let you go up to 8

that you have to sleep on every night

Ha. Ha. I remember doing this. In high school I did Science Olympiad. The Astronomy rules stipulated a computer is fine, but no internet access. Anything pre-downloaded on to the computer was fine. So, boom, wikipedia.

Shakespeare is a master of words, especially when you understand his puns (which are often sexual). People might not read him for pleasure, but I'll bet two four-dimensional space whales that his works will be taught in schools.

Wait wait wait. If that track is intended for high-speed trains, why is there no bank on the curve to keep trains stable?

Instagram is for hipsters and few of my friends use snapchat. In my 2 year's experience FB chat integration into the messaging app is amazing.