
Um. Charter sells modems. We got a used Surfboard for $30.

Eh. It's probably just like a knock-off iPhone.

Do I hear vuvuzelas in the background?

He forgot the orange muzzle.

Like Sigismondo, I trim my friends list. I like it below 100.

Fun fact - in China, people drive on the right side of the road. So yes, dude hopped out of the passenger door.

Also remember the price of blowing up a planet.

the ears, arms, legs, and tail look like styrofoam...

right you are, ken.

Posting those 41 MP photos must burn through your data plan.

correct-a-mundo. I was browsing the comments for the explicit purpose to see if anyone notice that.

I kinda assumed that when I read that they were suggesting the Meade Max 20".

Don't forget a a dedicated autoguider, a filter wheel, and a CCD camera (not a DSLR!) for those long exposures!!!

OMG autosave... finally!

As a WP7 user, I just barfed a little in my mouth.

@aramidegbadamosi the cameraman accidentally stepped on him :(

Exactly why I "shave" my FB friends list every two or three weeks... I try to keep the number around 100.

My copy of Nero wasn't trialware...

One, I don't consider AlienSense and Nero bloatware; Two, I have a m15x.

Yay Alienware! Installs nuthing but Windows :D