Candy Maldanado

Rex Ryan: I saw it.

the opposite 20 to the opposite 15. Now, I don’t know how far that is.

Remember when Mark Prior could whip a towel like 200 MPH?

When I lived in Humboldt Park you could have run a naked marathon around there and saw 20 cops (half of them driving 2 mph the wrong way down a one way). Absolutely nothing would happen. I think you’d actually get bored, tired, or someone in the neighborhood would solve the problem first.

the driver manages to keep the car moving along what appears to be Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn

He just wanted to be his younger brother.

The gator recognizes tostones as legal tender. How many times can I vote?

finished off a scoreless inning with two strikeouts, the last on a 99 mph fastball past Carlos Santana.

A passed ball is by definition on the catcher; a wild pitch is on the pitcher. But in any case, I would think you’re right that there are more WPs than PBs.

Didn’t Steve Stone get fired for telepathically calling out this exact situation during a broadcast?

Perhaps one level above what you’d wear to Applebee’s, so a clean t-shirt instead of a dirty one.

Kyrie is more of a chemistry issue because he doesn’t believe in science.

He’s working extremely hard. He’s in good shape. His weight is good. His overall body-fat percentage is very good. So, if you look at him, you say, “Wow, he looks great.”

I lucked out that no one was so shitty I had to quit, but I started umpiring the 8&9 year old league when I was 11 and basically leveled up to the next age group every time I jumped up one myself. The absolute worst parents were in any of the “travel” leagues I worked when I was around 16-17. The in-town little league

It’s not shown, but I’ve seen it happen before that the catcher was likely running up towards third. If a play actually developed toward third, the first baseman would probably rotate to cover the plate.

If school doesn’t start back up soon I am going to start plunking the neighborhood teens.

Should’ve drank more Fight Milk to keep those orbital bones healthy.

Nothing usable in any non-restrictive way will let you take a direct hit at that speed and just not feel it in a meaningful way, much like how “bulletproof” vests are really only bullet resistant and if you get shot with one you either end up with severe bruising or maybe it even goes through but at least got slowed

I’m reading a book called “On Trails” right now and there’s a part in there that talks about people being lost on trails and how without a solid frame of reference, that “just pick a direction and walk” idea doesn’t really work. Often when trying to just go one direction, due to the the existence of whatever paths

Aikman: Open the slot, and put whatever you want...inside