Candy Maldanado

Angel Hernandez will be using this.


we in the office baby

We almost always figured out the signs of this community college we’d play in the fall, but only about half of the guys wanted anything to do with that info, even trusting that it was correct.

people forgot me?

*Gary Bettman slowly backs away*


Yeah ok.

> What’s more problematic is the plate umpire didn’t immediately point at the pitcher & call balk. Instead the plate umpire assumes his crouch. Is it possible a field umpire called the balk? The crew is using a four man system & the 1st & 3rd base umpires are off camera. With it being a right handed pitcher the 3rd

Do you remember John Vander Wal?

hell yes

What about Brant Brown?

look at them dolphin teeth


+1 garbage can

-30 bag lunches

Fire fighters have the same thing, but the opposite. If they’re not moving, an alarm sounds.

Have a star for the first bar I’ve ever driven 9 hours to go to on about 2 hours notice.

Yeah, rotating cops in Chicago would just make even more of the city a free-for-all. I’m two years removed from having lived there, but last I was there they were paying overtime “saturation units” to go into areas like Chatham, Garfield Park, Lawndale, etc, and it was all based on seniority. So you have the nearly

I feel like Rod Beck would have gotten along well with Jim Tomasula.