“That’s a good one, but I raise you another story...”
“That’s a good one, but I raise you another story...”
This is the result of teaching abstinence in the box.
blowing a huge vape cloud and tipping a fedora
Can someone “explain like I’m five” how you can deploy an average of 84 bombs or missiles per day for a full year and still have anything left of anything? This is a scale I can’t even comprehend.
“Well, he won’t be needing me for a few days”
Day 1 of tennis.
FYI, the Facebook link in the article mentions that it starts over at 47th and 2nd, not Union Square (which would be a much longer march to get a permit for, I think).
So they just throw loose rocks everywhere? What country is this in?
Chicago Byes does have a good ring to it.
Why are they spreading gravel on the roadways?
mmm, a nice salty Lexus
My cousin was an intern on a media team for the Hawks and drove him to a few appearances. Big piece of shit.
One of my uncles has a Bears poncho. So to answer your question: no.
He’s wearing camouflage pants.
maybe Gudas has a choking fetish?
The Dodgers pitcher with a big butt was the pitching coach at Northwestern as of a few years ago. It was fun to have him yell “where the fuck did that miss?” after the first pitch of the game while umpiring my first Big10 game behind the plate. Not as funny of a story, though.
ok cool