Yes and yes! I’m like, who the fuck is Bardi? It’s not a mashup. Is it just really poor editing skills? In the main story?
Yes and yes! I’m like, who the fuck is Bardi? It’s not a mashup. Is it just really poor editing skills? In the main story?
And also F Jez for posting the actual image. It shouldn’t have even been a link, but including it is so much worse.
Jezebel, please don’t participate in the paparazzi STALKING OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Please remove this post and respect Cardi’s privacy. Also, you misspelled her name in the article.
This is creepy. Can we not promote aggressive long-range paparazzi photos of infants and respect families’ wishes to allow their children private lives until they consent to being public figures?
Edit: and if anyone tries the old “they’re celebrities, they signed up for this” excuse you’ll be dismissed into the pits…
Sometimes the only choice is a shit sandwich or starvation.
You can think about ethics when your money situation improves. Sticking to your values won’t put food on your table and you’re not being asked to go on TV and make announcements that would go against your ideals.
I wish more single famous women would talk about it. A lot of people in relationships refuse to accept the notion that single people could be as happy as they are. It’s not a contest.
He seems super nostalgic about high school, like his emotional development stopped around his freshman year.
He signed the letter “Bart”. It was his nickname that he obviously knew and used on himself. Yet when Leahy asked if he knew if the Bart in Judge’s novel referred to him he did not answer.
I know almost nothing about him, but I once read a headline that said something like “fan meets Post Malone, immediately throws up once she smells him” and it turned out to be fake but I was like “just based on appearances, this checks out.”
Is there anyone right now on this planet you’d like to punch as hard as humanely possible more so than this complete prick right now......setting aside Trump of course and his asshole sons, and his entire Admin and oh yeah, Lindsay Graham, and Orrin Hatch, and Chuck Grassley and the entire G.O.P and every piece of…
So, it’s becoming more and more clear that he lied his way through his confirmation hearing. Most Republican Senators won’t care, of course.
Cardi isn’t managing her money well but nouveau riche is the dumbest insult. People are supposed to be ashamed for earning instead of inheriting their money? Wish that shit had died with Louis XVI
Rich person who was in rehab and has nothing to do but work out and go to therapy gets buff.....color me shocked....
He looks good (am I allowed to say that, or not edgy/snarky/sargasmic enough?).
Poking fun at a guy in rehab. Weak.
My mother worked for a recovery place, over time she noticed that most people in AA tell the exact same story each time, and they get antsy and have nervous sweats when they can’t make it to a meeting. They replace one addiction for another, but at least the addiction to AA is less destructive. This is kinda the same…
My MIL is a social worker and I remember her telling me that a lot of former addicts get really into fitness because it gives them something to focus their energy on, essentially.
Not only does cutting out booze dramatically reduce your caloric intake, you suddenly have to find something to do to distract yourself. Pumping iron seems healthier than commenting on the internet...