
“while looking up at her boy-band posters” 

My question to my husband last night was, “If Kavanaugh could see into the future, do you think he would have not allowed himself to be nominated?” And he responded “No way, I know guys like him and they can’t imagine a world where past indiscretions would hinder future opportunities.” Made me realize how true that

Anyone with a smidgen less entitlement would have withdrawn their name by now. This guys a fucking sociopath. A raging drunk sociopath. 

“..women’s interests are so vapid and shallow that they’re like adult children, they have child-like minds that enjoy ridiculous things that don’t matter.”

Now playing

I could never stand Chris Martin but this was very charming and well-done:

I forgot the the woman he was dating before I even finished reading your comment. 

In my head he was dating Dakota FANNING, so I had already categorized him under the “massive perv” category. I’m glad to find out I was picturing the wrong Dakota, but now I have trouble moving his bland face away from that category. Oh well. 

Yes, 75% of the time I get stuck in a log in loop and can’t get in. I have to use a different browser to get in. I’ve actually being having that issue off and on for the last year. I wondered if it accounted for any of the noticeable drop in the number of comments. 

CONSTANTLY. And it’s been like that for ages. Possibly a year. It also doesn’t let me log in. The only way I can get in is because it trying to google a solution I came across another kinja site and it had me logged in. So I bookmarked it and for whatever reason I can get in that way. So every time it logs me out I

Sorry, I wasn’t clear. I don’t click on the embedded Instagram content (or at least I almost never do), so I can’t really answer that question. But yes, the links are visible.

I recently reset my browser cookies to allow 3rd party platforms to do idk-something. It fixed the problem for me, but before that I had not been able to log in and comment for about two weeks.

What a disaster.

Ford’s comment about laughter being the most hurtful detail she remembered really resonated with me, and I teared up when she said it.

Well, this is just delightful. :)

That’s adorable.

And he was given away by his ex-wife!

This is not the most terrible idea. I just returned this morning from a trip to Ireland (the regular one, not Northern), and the whole landscape is full of random castle ruins in the middle of a bunch of cows, or incorporated into old city buildings, I wondered if someone was already exploiting the interest in the

The only thing celebrities line up for, in my opinion, is a job that includes a lot of promotional work. I’ve seen lots of famous people but wouldn’t have dreamt of even asking for an autograph unless they were at an event where that was expected much less followed them to get their picture. This is not okay and I

Yes! I’m more likely to click thru with a teaser line of who it’s about and short commentary. If its vague I dont because I assume its probably not someone I know about.

You and Bobby both making me click on links to get my celebrity gossip fix...I don't like it!