
Am I missing something in the tone of “how nice for her not to have to worry about salary”? This is the thing we want for women (all women, all industries) but we have to be snide when it’s achieved? And the final sentence “be Emilia Clarke” in order to get parity in salary? So we shouldn’t bother? I’m completely at a

Body Glide is the only thing that truly works although I’m ok with the bicycle short style apparel thing too personally. The texture of Body Glide is so strange. When you apply it, it feels like it’s going to increase the friction because it’s sort of, I don’t know, tacky? Not smooth anyway. But it works. It’s not

Now playing

I loved Eurovision when I was a kid. Especially in the 90s when Ireland went on a winning streak and putting on the show every year nearly bankrupted us. Ever since, we’ve sent Jedward, Dustin the Turkey, and a selection of beige singer songwriter types that have morphed into one image in my brain. Plus the strategic

For $2m less than Chris Pratt, I hope Bryce Dallas Howard at least gets to wear flats this time.

Oh god that sounds nightmarish to be honest!

I disagree with the suggestion of a day tour to the West. Maybe the Cliffs of Moher as it’s one thing, one stop. As a daughter of a Kerryman it’s a sin to suggest doing it in one day! Even if possible, you’re not doing it justice. Dingle and its peninsula one day, the Ring of Kerry maybe the next but it demands an

Someone once said to me, in a stressful situation where the expectation to perform highly was great, said he wished he was stupid. Like, so stupid you don’t even know how stupid you are. So stupid you’re just the happiest person alive because there’s literally nothing on your mind. It sounds nice. I’m just the right

Because he’s good and funny and also didn’t infantilise Trump* in the run up to the election.

She was just on a recent episode of the West Wing Weekly podcast talking about this very issue and it was great. Glad to hear she got it through. What an impressive woman in general by the way.

Total Divas is a guilty pleasure watch for me. And Nikki is basically the exact opposite of me as a human being and I can’t relate to so much about her but this is genuinely very upsetting. You can tell she loved him so much. So much that she was satisfied with no marriage or children because she wanted him. I think I

Get it Britney.


“TMZ is reporting that Khloe Kardashian, believed by many to be the best and most endearing Kardashian sister”

I know a lot of people are attracted to money and power but there isn’t enough of either that could ever compel me letting a man like Trump between my legs and even typing that sentence made me throw up in my mouth a little. He is the most repulsive man inside and out.

The Orange Organics are my jam.

Erm I know this is a jokey post and I’m sort of loathe to respond in earnest but over reliance on the potato crop was because the British exported and sold all of our other produce leaving us with nothing but the potato so not really asking for a famine no but ok thanks bye.

Agent Carter breaks my heart everytime it’s mentioned. Great characters, costumes, make up, sets, props, dialogue and terrible plot lines. It could have and should have been better. Hayley Atwell and Agent Carter deserved better.

I’ve said something similar before but I don’t want a female James Bond or a female Indiana Jones or a female anything else. I don’t want the scraps of a tired franchise for great actresses. Give us new franchises with powerful women with their own new stories. I think it’s happening by the way so basically just MOAR


Mostly I think advice comes directly from Americans but I genuinely thought 10% was the very bare minimum even if terrible food/service. 15% was standard and a bit more of excellent. To hear 20% is baseline is quite shocking. Shocking because I was so wrong, shocking because that’s a lot and I’m poor too!, and