
I've always been interested in people, but I've never liked them.

I have to say, the octopus attaching itself to the boat captain's face was one of the better Jeopardy stories.

Why is Anika even around still?? Her and Lucious aren't engaged anymore. It's like that time when she was begging the Lyons for a job when she was supposedly a top PR person and yet she couldn't find another job somewhere else??? She spoke Swedish for Christ's sake!!!

Gags die, humor doesn't.

Ran into ElDan out in the wild.


I hope they drove an 18-wheeler full of cash to Mandy Patinkin's house.

Smurfin A.

Wow, they actually made another Smurfs movie??

Guess you didn't get the memo.

Dirty Dancing was when I realized I had different taste in movies than all the other girls…

Ugh. Just ugh.

Saw the Flaming Lips Thursday night. They're not my favorite band, but the show was a lot of fun. Moon Taxi opened and did a set of Rage Against the Machine covers, which ended up being better than I had anticipated.

For the most part, this season of Homeland has been pretty dull, so being a Homeland apologist, I'm assuming this means a gripping finale. Maybe??

I will also go with Doubt.

That's the thing that frustrated me, it never was made too clear.

Mine is Houdini. Still.

About S-Town:
There was never any gold, was there?

The Chicken Lady will always be the stuff of nightmares.

Just got word that campus is closing at 1!!!!!!! Thank you inclement weather!!!!!!