
Janeane is looking pretty good these days.

I still love him.

I caught up on this over the weekend. I wasn't sure how invested I could get in a show that focuses on petty mom problems, or at least that was my initial reaction (also, insert The Slap reference here), but I'm glad that it turned out to be SO MUCH MORE. Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman are killing it, but I also

Gotta love Kiernan Shipka's terrible acting and Bette's frustration with the whole thing.

Soft Serve Gentle Process Servers

Participated in some St. Patrick's Day shenanigans which included seeing a Led Zeppelin tribute band that was awful. I mean, if you're gonna cover Zeppelin, COVER ZEPPELIN, I don't really want to see a guy in khakis reading lyrics from a music stand. Then again, I shouldn't really be surprised.

Stereolab - Mars Audiac Quintet

No one could rock a floral sweatshirt quite like Becky Connor. Speaking of which, I always hated how the show had the first Becky as a good student, liked school, got good grades, but with the second Becky she was reduced to dumb blonde jokes.

I listened to her on WTF and she was fine when her and Maron were talking about the Comedy Store or whatever, but then she would say something about Hillary Clinton controlling the media. He did a good job of steering her away from that kind of stuff though.

I'd rather do kissing stuff than have sex sometimes. It takes a lot less effort.

Please. Like I have something better to do than shitpost here all day. I wasn't going anywhere.


While it never really bothered me all that much, I know a lot of y'all were, so if it makes you guys happy, it makes me happy!!!

I am forever scarred due to seeing the scene in Poison Ivy with Drew Barrymore and Tom Skerritt fucking on the hood of a car in the rain.


It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.

From the Washington Post: "The National Institutes of Health, for example, would be cut by nearly $6 billion, about a fifth of the NIH budget."

MATT BOMER!!!!!!!!

Is that why his teeth are so gross??

I was trying to watch Feud on their website last night, it isn't much better. I finally gave up and watched it OnDemand.