Upvoted for Black Mountain.
Upvoted for Black Mountain.
21st Amendment Back in Black
My favorite Metallica song!!
Siouxsie & the Banshees - The Passenger
Heart - Magic Man
Folk Implosion - Natural One
Gillian Welch - Caleb Meyer
Echo & the Bunnymen - The Cutter
Fatboy Slim - It's a Wonderful Night
Motley Crue - Shout At the Devil
April March - Chick Magnet
Prince - Controversy
The Record Company - Rita Mae Young
Karime Kendra - Chemical…
Reality in our century is not something to be faced.
1. Guilfoyle's girlfriend on Silicon Valley.
Those porto-pottys may have actually been semi-usable!!
Our eyes are full of terrible confessions.
"A falsetto child??"
Some liberties were taken for dramatic purposes, like for instance, I don't think it was Joan Crawford who found What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? and suggested it be made into a movie, but nonetheless, this was highly enjoyable, and my god, was it gorgeous.
Crapped out on going to see All About Eve on the big screen when it was something I had been excited about seeing for awhile and instead, opted to watch the DVD in my pajamas.
We do not know what is really good or bad fortune.
Yes, Wire Hangers
I'm the only person in the universe that watched and liked Allen Gregory.
Erotic Friend Fiction, Freddie.
"You look like a garbage bag full of chicken wings."
Miss Caswell: "You won't bore him, you won't even get a chance to talk."
"I don't want to be put into a pie!"
I'm still disappointed that we're not living in the neon noir perma-drizzle of Blade Runner.
"Everyone has a heart… Except for some people."