Candide Yams

Like me! I'm not eligible for an upgrade until may 2012. You best believe I'm getting my Nokia goodness then!

Speaking of Verizon...

Until Microsoft ups the spec requirements we aren't going to see a dual core phone.

The lack of a front facing camera could be because the phone was designed before the Skype deal was finalized.

Amen to that, I couldn't agree more.

I think the better question is: when's the last time you saw Nokia on any US carrier? Nokia has slipped in the past years but I think that's about to change dramatically. Plus, something I've learned from Android is that if a phone is released on Vodafone UK, it almost always comes to Verizon in some form (hooray for

thisismynext reported that Verizon staff are at Nokia World hanging around the Lumia 800 booth.

That's what I'm thinking is going to happen. We'll get the Nokia Destroyer or something which is really just a Lumia 810 or the like.

They probably will rework them for the US market. Besides the iPhone (which took a few iterations before it was the same worldwide), how many other OEMs release the exact phone in every major territory? We'll probably see a Nokia Lumia 900 or an 850 or something in the US. Plus since Zune has a much larger presence in

Only for the US. And yes, while our country is a huge market, the European markets are just as big and it's been strongly hinted that at Nokia World we'll be seeing release dates/pre-orders, etc for the November launches.

Shouldn't the tag be "But considering it doesn't require any physical buttons, how will your phone work IF it's upgraded?"

1. Love the username.

Or it's great timing so people can see all of their choices.

This isn't new. Elop said Nokia phones weren't coming to the US til 2012 ages ago. Their Nokia phones are hitting 6 markets in Europe initially then expanding. This is not new.

That I do not know. I imagine that based on their tier level they'll be different. We have to remember that Nokia phones, especially the ones we see now, are probably going to be low and mid-tiered, meaning they'll be in the markets Nokia is strongest, i.e. India and other developing countries. Of course Nokia will

That has to be one of the most stupid arguments I've read in a while. So by sheer fact it has "windows" in the title, despite being a completely different OS, means it will suck? Give me a break.

I'm not saying it'll be a difficult road, but if HTC can go from being an unknown to having regular ads advertising their phones with their names on it in a matter of 2 years, I don't see why Nokia can't either.

I have a few friends with them actually. And this is spread out across the country, not just in one spot.

But this was before a partnership with a company that is American.

Actually, there's only one processor in use for Windows Phone. Qualcomm is the exclusive chipmaker for Windows Phone at this point in time.