Candide Yams

You do recognize that there is physical evidence of all of Japan's atrocities right? This isn't a smear campaign made by the US after Japan lost. it happened, and it happened often. You have a very skewed idea of what facts are, evidently. This guy has an opinion on the facts, and that's fine. But to basically think

Well, a lot of wars from 500+ years ago generally aren't remembered, period. World War II is much closer to memory since many folks still know people who were in the war.

And here I was expecting some closet-sized apartment akin to a New York City apartment in Tribeca.

I never quite understood why the Fatigue system more or less vanished around the third section of Tartarus, but hey, whatever. I'm glad that in P3P it's much more difficult to achieve. f anything you'll just have sick characters, not fatigued ones. Also, maybe it's just me but P3P also had a higher chance of "great"

And you're entirely aware this is aimed at developing countries right? Those in the US and Europe more than likely won't ever see phones with 256 MB ram. Just sayin'. These phones aren't for you. If you can get online and read a gadget blog in your spare time on broadband or DSL, then this isn't for you. Is it that

Judging by the number of people with iPhones I don't think that replaceable batteries is an excuse anymore.

And judging from that roadmap they also learned their lesson with the significant dropoff happening in 2006.

I'm a black American, one that lived in a state that only recently acknowledged MLK Day. It's a big deal.

I read the article as a larger issue of male privilege as a whole and how it plays out in nerd culture. And some of the things he's mentioned (such as the xbox live talk) I've witnessed. I believe the "Random crap" you speak of are his examples, many used from high profile games. Does every game fit the mold of being

I guess my choice of words was wrong. As someone who's bought every street fighter (yes I'm one of those fans) I could see myself grabbing this when it gets cheaper if only for the soundtrack and MK movie.

I'm not opposed to an update, but will my old saves work for the new game is the question. I'm not trying to get everything in the krypt and all the endings AGAIN.

Why do you hate it?

I don't think privilege is a position term in general though. If you were at a party and said someone was privileged, it'd almost be seen as an attack (I would think). To me, to call someone privileged means they are out of touch. Again, this could be how I grew up and the term was generally not positive unless used

Ha yeah actually. I literally had to review a previous report written by my boss which covered the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 and the findings of it in the last 10 years. I know it without having to look it up because it's timely and fresh in my brain. I'm sure you don't believe me and honestly I don't care,

It isn't right. Company names are singular, not plural. It annoys me to no end on tech blogs.

Umm, I didn't google or wikipedia it. I work in criminal justice policy. It's my fucking JOB. So what were you in for?

Actually, as someone who did study this in college, when someone brings up privilege it is very much in line with recognizing what I have that others don't. I'm not an average joe since I studied and make a living now on privilege and breaking down those barriers. Was I born into "privilege?" No. But I also recognize

Depends on how you define what sexism is. Being sexist doesn't mean thinking women should be left in the kitchen. But if you think it's okay to oversexualize women and not recognize power dynamics, then yeah that can be sexist too.

Actually, in response to #1, rape and sexual assault in prisons is pretty high. it's reported that in 2008 alone 69,800 inmates were raped and over 216,000 were sexually assaulted. And this is only for individuals who actually came forward and said they were raped/assaulted. The numbers could in fact be higher.

Actually, "privilege" in academic sense is pretty negative, when I applied to things such as "male privilege" and "white privilege." He didnt just make up this phrase, there's a lot of scholarship behind it. Look it up.