Candide Yams

If you're male, this applies to you whether gay or straight. We are consumers of the media. If you object to the sexualization of women then you are on the side of the author. If you don't, then guess what, he's talking about you.

If a partner feels that insecure that they need to your know passwords to really anything, then you shouldn't be in a relationship. Trust me not to be a screw up and I'll give you the same benefit.

WP7 has 50,000 apps. What more do you want? I understand certain apps may not be present but Android was very much the same way for a while, missing apps that iOS had. But to make up for that, WP7 has a number of handy alternatives.

Really? Cause from what I'm hearing the phone is selling out at various places around Europe. o2 ran out in the UK and it's a top seller in a couple of places in France, among others.

What country do you live in? Cause all I can see is reviews for the Lumia since, as a US citizen, this line is unavailable to me.

Personally, I'm not of that mindset. I think it's really just a matter of getting more devices to consumers where Nokia does truly come in. Mango's a great OS but the hardware isn't available to enough consumers. I'm expecting to see a change once we see decent devices (and more than one) on the 4 major US carriers.

The modern (post-iPhone) smartphone race is barely 4 years old. There's plenty of time for change and growth. Furthermore the OS is just over a year old. Give it a bit before completely writing it off as a failure.

Keep in mind this isn't the US either. Other countries have different maternity (and even paternity) leave policies and lengths.

Also there's that whole thing about Blackberries being able to come without cameras. As of yet no iPhone or Android phone has a camera-less feature. Windows Phone is working on it but as of now that's not available either.

Based on the comments below, your point has been completely validated. Thank you for bringing this up. I love discussions of privilege and I'm glad to see you bring this up in kotaku.

I noticed that too. if you click on a photo or even look at your man feed it still uses a completely different UI. I don't see how this is actually a good design decision. Plus I don't like how the privacy settings are once again hidden.

Funny, I went to grade school in AZ too. Unfortunately I'm back here (yay SB1070) but plan to return to the east coast ASAP. You're my queer brother from another lover.

The freakout nature reminds me of Fox News. Kudos to you.

I don't think the straights care as much about infections as much as they care about the big pregnant thing, which is a shame cause girls get HPV and the like. We meanwhile are constantly reminded about HIV and other scary things.

Actually hotmail's a pretty decent servicethese days with some features that google could really use (the alias is one). Also, users get unlimited inboxes and 25 gb with skydrive for Office and photos. And with skype being purchased there's no telling what may happen next.

More like Apples vs. Mangoes.

There isn't such a sordid history of white men coming into China and shooting everyone like there is with Africa, nor the idea of Chinese being barbarians who rape women (as was depicted in RE5 in the village at the start of the game).

With the number of Android phone being pushed by every Tom Dick and Harry OEM, I don' t think it's for those to tinker anymore. It's an OS for everybody, or it's supposed to be. I say this as a Droid Incredible owner. We keep saying Android is for the tinkerers in us but when it's not uncommon to see grandparents with

I think the closest we'd get is the Dreamcast version (Vampire Savior for matching service). That seems most likely.

My Genesis had XYZ. Yes, ABC was first but XYZ came out in 93 and was featured on the oh-so-awesome Genesis Nomad.