Candide Yams

So I take it you're not on a budget and can spend thousands of dollars on a whim? Being on a budget doesn't mean you're broke or poor. It just means you work within a constraint and want to stay there. Possibly you want to save money for insurance on the phones or other things. If a family of 4 is on a budget and all

Of course. Just saying that since it links directly to windows phone it gives more credence to it. if you type in, while I'm sure they own it it doesn't go anywhere.

Well, there is a little thing called a recession that may be stopping construction of these stores. On a similar note, I heard that by 2014 there will be stores over 100 stores nationwide.

then why do they own it links to windows phone.

I take it you don't read hyperbole much. I'm talking of a greater trend.

It's sad that our communication has devolved the way it has.

I think a hyphen would have sufficed for "internet-laziness" since it's modifying enabler.

It's 2011. Who talks on their phone anymore? My friends would rather send me a facebook happy birthday message than call me to say the same thing.

Yeah, Verizon is slow to grab the Mango train, but I think we may see a different tune soon. It's rumored that a high-end Nokia device is coming to Verizon in early 2012 and with xbox partnering with verizon fios for television, I can't help but think that part of that deal includes Verizon marketing WP7 more.

...that's not what this is about.

I live in the US and there can definitely be patches where people don't have 3G. Likewise, a lot of people here can't afford the contracts required for data plans.

Could you do a post about it? I'd enjoy reading it.

And Google+ doesn't own these photos right? Unlike facebook which claims ownership of anything submitted?

Not to mention that those same people would rather watch "Paranormal Activity" instead of the B-rated knock off, "Paranormal Entity" which is all over instant streaming.

Exactly. Streaming is only if you want to watch cartoons from your childhood or some random B and C rate movies. The new stuff is rare.

a cort. As in "Oh you corted!"

1) not everyone has smart phones and 2)what do you do if you're in an area with no 3g/4g?

Some people don't trust their information with Google/Gmail. I know quite a few folks who despise gmail because of privacy concerns.

That's also what I'm thinking. Would Tina Fey really want her personal email made public?

I'm tempted to peg that this is Raccoon City. Sure it was supposed to be in the American midwest but they could retcon it. Plus Ontario is mroe or less the midwest anyway.