Candide Yams

Take that AIM, google talk, yahoo messenger, Windows Live Messenger, trillian, and groupme!

If you're at work, you can't be face down in your phone all the time. Plus, you'd be surprised but a lot of bosses/firms communicate to their employees through AIM, Windows Live messenger, and/or gchat.

Last I checked iMessage is only for iPhone. Why should Blackberry care?

I just can't buy the zombie thing. I think it's a red herring. Plus, if they bring in zombies doesn't that mean that essentially any character previously killed can/will come back? Are we going to see zombie Tommy and Marcus and Debbie?

Me too. And I think all the mentions of zombies was just a red herring. I think she'll restored as human or vampire at most.

I'm a Tara fan too! As mentioned elsewhere on the thread, there are thoughts that Pam will save her and thus may begin a relationship with them when Tara drinks her blood. I love Tara. I think she was finally starting to find peace and it'd be awful if they kill her off or turn her into the undead. Let Tara stay human

They never mentioned it but I guess when ANTONIA GAVILAN DE LOGRONO! left and Marnie died all of her spells were technically broken? I guess.

I think it makes complete sense for Pam to be Tara's savior. Plus I think the whole zombie mentions in the episode are just a red herring. Either Tara stays dead (not likely), stays human, or goes vampire (also unlikely, but not nearly as likely as a zombie scenario).

I totally thought she was Arlene too.

I sir, completely agree with you. Yeah, so what if it's debug code that was meant to be removed. That's beside the point. The fact is, it was there in the first place. It's about intent and how one perceives what's okay. If their was a skill called "n-gga killer" but was eventually changed, I'd still be very much

I think I'd equate torrents more to spark plugs. You may have heard of them but have no idea what they actually do or what they're for but you have at least one friend who has a general idea on it.

I keep reading comments about how doing this moves people to pirating/bittorrents but really, does the average consumer really know about bit torrent? I'd argue not. It's easy for us to say cause we're tech nuts but let's be real, this isn't going to cause people to switch over to pirating through torrents or the

Isn't that economics 101? High prices always lead to a black market. In the digital age, that just means internet piracy.

Truth be told, the average consumer has no idea how to use torrents. The number of people who pirate are fairly small compared to those that don't.


There goes your social life.

You forget that there are millions of gay men who LURV her.

He was also a Brady. Love me some Greg and Marcia!

And that's within your right, but also due to the layout of your site, I hope you're aware that at one point when this story was posted on gawker that the photo was easily viewable at the bottom of each gizmodo page.
