Candide Yams

But it was posted on your sister site Gawker. So what's up with that?

Condoms protect of course, but if in the event an individual doesn't use condoms for one reason or another, an uncircumcised penis is more likely to contract an STI than a circumcised one.

It's not mutilation to all of us, thanks.

HTC has historically gone to Verizon and T-Mobile the most, so I'm hoping either this or the Eternity will end up on VZW. I don't want just the trophy!

Android's missing a cohesive everything. I have a rooted android phone and while I enjoy it, it feels incomplete. How much would it take Google to create their own decent calendar app for instance?

But since Wp7 is so optimized for phones, isn't a dual core actually unnecessary? That sort of thing may work well with Android but I thought that since WP7 was really built to take care of itself and its programs e.g. no slowdown, that a dualcore would actually be overkill.

What, no pictures or videos of you actually wearing them? When looking at shoes I like to see how they look on feet.

I'm hoping Mango sees a slew of Verizon phones. The Trophy doesn't do it for me either. I'd love a Nokia phone but I'm fine with an HTC or the like, provided it's a strong entry.

Make the jump! I am! enjoy my phone but Android's lack of cohesiveness bothers me.

These phones can't come soon enough! My question is when do the ads campaign start?

His DNA is in every technology product out there.

Isnt Bill gates a non-executive Chairman of Microsoft? HOw has his presence affected Microsoft? I wonder how much influence Steve Jobs will have. Of course things are going to change. That's normal for life. If APple doesn't change, then they'll fall. As long as they continue to do what they do and look into the

You're so hearted.

Well with the Microsoft stores popping up, is it possible that in the case of windows phone and products this sort of problem can be resolved? If I get a windows phone, I should be able to take it to my nearest Microsoft store (sure there aren't many in the US at this point but they are growing), and say "I have this

I'm holding you accountable for a review/experience with a Nokia Mango phone. As an avid Nokia user I would expect that you probably know a thing or two about Nokia hardware. And thanks for calling out the Apple aesthetic. It's refreshing.

So when a Nokia phone with Mango becomes available to you, are you planning to jump ship? I know I am from Android.

Or retooled to work with foursquare and other location-based apps.

That "America rocks" image is a bit of a misnomer. Only Colorado and Virginia had earthquakes. There weren't any earthquakes in Tucson, Alaska, or any of the other places listed on that map today.

I encountered that too! I used Sense and enjoyed it overall but eventually rooted my device. I am certainly looking forward to future WP7 handsets, especially once my contract expires in the spring.

Which phone do you have now? HTC Incredible here. It's been fun but I just dislike how unpolished android is. And I don't see that changing anytime soon.