Candide Yams

I've been thinking of switching to Windows Phone, and with the exception of two apps I enjoy (google voice and trillian), WP7 has all the same apps. And with the upcoming Mango update there will be even greater parity to the point where popular, good apps will truly be spread across all three platforms.

I'm part of that 48% and darn proud. I'm not even about to make my stuff public. That's the whole point.

The article is highlighting that smartphones can be addictive like cigarettes. It's not glorying cigarettes nor is the author saying to drop your iphone to smoke. it's satirical.

3 months later and still no sign of Ice cream...I think WP7 may be alright after all.

£1,250.00 and no photo of what the inside of the case looks like? No thanks.

I'm fairly certain AIM's downfall is related to google talk (which explains the merger in the IM protocols) and not facebook chat.

I've never used fring but now I'm looking it up. You recommend it?

I was talking to a friend who said the Ps1 was retro and I didn't believe it. Though I think the two generation past rule works, the PS1's life extended into the PS3's (Sony stopped production of the PS1 when the PS3 came out). So really, I don't think I can call the PS1 retro yet. When PS4 comes out, definitely. But

If you choose to not think that what goes around comes around, that's on you. But I've been on this Earth long enough to know that when you act up badly it will eventually come back and bite you.

Here's another solution: "don't be a dick and hack people's systems. You don't win friends." It's horrible what they're doing and it's bad karma all around. These hackers are gonna get what's coming to them sooner or later.

Whenever I think about increasing diversity in videogames, I'm always reminded of Persona 4 and Kanji. Atlus was able to introduce a homosexual character that really delved into a deep storyline for the character and received positive accolades. It's good to show other struggles besides the "strong white hetero male

To me WP7.5 seems like the best of both worlds. It has the best of Android (choose your hardware) and the best of iOS (one experience). That's it, WP7= Miley Cyrus.

People just fucking like Android.

We should swap Incredible stories. One of the reasons I rooted was because it seemed like after installing one app too many, the whole thing would crash.

I'm in this boat. I used to love Android but I'm ready to jump ship. The only thing holding me back (besides the whole new phones in fall thing) is my contract, which ends in the spring anyway.


It's Microsoft's version of Google Apps, which you ALSO pay for. Office 365 is for small businesses and the like.

Well, not like we didn't see this coming. I'm probably still going to buy it.

Umm, I didn't encounter this at all. Just logged into both as usual. Maybe it's just you? And I use Chrome.

Thanks. I couldn't figure it out either.