Candide Yams

Yeah I agree 100% lankist. Sorry, stupid commenting system made me respond to you instead of the other one.

@lankist +1. A southerner can't say they have the confederate flag to show pride for the south anymore and completely ignore all the negative connotations with it. Either they are woefully ignorant or are lying.

That's like saying you have a swastika outside your house to promote peace and luck. It has a connotation and to ignore the history of it is just ignorant.

Considering how many (horrible) cover versions of songs people do to completely mask the original content from search, I'm kind of in favor of this.


I'm in favor of this. Personally I'm sick of CNN anchors telling me to follow them on twitter all the time or to see their facebook page for up to date news. No, I'm watching the tv. I don't want to stare at a computer screen too. It's a form of free advertising and I can see why they passed this.

One word: HBO.

This. I leave my status blank because honestly, if you're my friend, you KNOW if I'm dating someone or not.

You make it sound as if the tablet race is over...

I'm still not 100% sure what this means. Gmail hasn't gotten rid of the option to sign into AIM. Does this mean that feature is going away and from now on I have to add those AIM contacts as to my list? It's still semi-confusing to me.

25/m/az. OMG we all did it while working on our english homework in high school!

I hate that too. What ever happened to sending a group text/email or evite for events? I have it set so I don't receive notifications in my inbox so if I don't check my fb I may be out of luck on events that some of my close friends have, because they're too silly to tell me directly.

That's what I thought too. I'm assuming that just means we played MK back when it was still in arcades and read Gamefan magazine.

Is this also a way to push Xbox (and windows phone potentially) into new territories by using paypal instead of MS points?

This still looks good to me. Can't wait to see what the achievements could be.

This was the first saturn game i bought back in 1996. I'm so excited to see this!

It's a great game. You definitely feel "close" to those characters. Atlus has a fabulous way of telling a story. I also completely forgot about Naoto's character too and her issues regarding gender roles. Persona 4 was right on the ball.

I agree, we certainly need to see more (and thank you for referencing The Wire). I want to gay a queer character that is just like any other character; they just happen to like the same gender. Kanji, while still somewhat ambiguous since he never outright says he's gay is in my head gay and for that I enjoyed his

Replied to the wrong person. It happens.