
Truth. Fact is, the OP might think she's being smart and all, but she's taking away money from the theater that doesn't actually make much from ticket sales.

Truth. Fact is, the OP might think she's being smart and all, but she's taking away money from the theater that doesn't actually make much from ticket sales.

Ha, that's pretty awesome!

Gosh, not only did I write a paper, I did a freakin' presentation on why abortion should be illegal. Looking back, I wish I had been better informed. But I lived in a ridiculously small conservative town. Now that I've lived in Austin and gone to college, my views have drastically changed (improved). How environment

Because she's the woman. Even here there's still a whole bunch of underlying sexism.

Damn it Katy!

Yeah, if you don't like someone then just avoid him/her. I don't see any reason why anyone has to post over and over again why then don't like someone. That's just a waste of time.

I hear you. Yeah, I don't really look for male friendships unless they themselves are in a relationships as well. It is really fucked that we have to do that, but at least for right now it's the only solution.

Honestly, we don't know whether her relationship was even real in the first place. I'm not saying she wasn't stupid, because she was. But also, you can't act offended when someone says that relationships when you are young aren't serious, because most of the time they help you grow, but that doesn't mean it's the end

Yeah, I invite him to places all the time. Like almost every weekend. One of those things that makes me sad but I guess it can't be helped.

Yeah, I've kind of given up on male friendships for the most part. There are two guys that I consider friends. One doesn't talk to me all that often now that I got back with my boyfriend (which proves this) and the other is part of a couple my boyfriend and I are really close with.

Damn it Erin! Why couldn't I have this one?? I'm so sad now.

I don't give a fuck about anyone who says they hate Katy Perry, or that she's the worst. That's absolutely idiotic. There are people out there who actively make things harder for some groups of people and still KP is the worst? Really?

I love it too.. and I'm definitely not sorry. If my skin was as fair as hers I would definitely do it.

He just has a sexy voice. I find him weirdly attractive too, haha.

Nobody is as mad at the director as they are at Stewart simply because women are always held more responsible for an affair than men are. It's totally unfair, but unfortunately it's still like that.

This isn't about you. It's great that you can have a relationship so young. I myself am around your age and I'm in a serious, stable relationship headed towards marriage. But we are exceptions to the rule. For the most part, 22 is still pretty young to think that every relationship has to be serious.

That's fair. He could've offered more evidence, I suppose.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that I don't have any privilege at all. I know I do, as well as "thin privilege", or whatever. I am aware that the lighter skinned you are, the better treated you are. But also, in my case, I know that I am culturally different than the mainstream blue-eyed, blond-haired person, and

Well, I do think that most white people aren't aware of their privilege, just the same as I wasn't aware that other people were treated better than me until I got out of my little bubble. Privilege is a weird thing. I don't think people know they have it until they feel it is being taken away.