Wow. My cat would NOT stand for that. Once, I dropped a treat instead of having her eat it from my hand and she look at me like, "The fuck did you do that for?!"
Wow. My cat would NOT stand for that. Once, I dropped a treat instead of having her eat it from my hand and she look at me like, "The fuck did you do that for?!"
I'm just here for the Magic Mike gifs. God (or whatever) bless y'all.
Thank you Lindy, for continuing to write wonderfully articulated pieces. Sharing this!
Right? I remember doing this to my cousin when we were little. Who knew I was a hipster at that early age?!
One of your best posts, Lindy. Thanks!
There is a simple answer to this: She didn't ask.
Who says I'm bigoted towards sex workers? Not being okay with the sex industry as it is today does not mean I think women who are sex workers are worth less. Try again.
This is very well written, thank you. I often feel that I want to be okay with the sex industry, but the fact that it just contributes so much to the commodification of women's bodies makes me not be okay with it.
Yeah, maybe it's not enough to cause a whole lot of damage. Plus, it's not like you're going to be wearing that the whole day so..
I'm pretty sure that since you wouldn't be talking on it, you should be good.
The point of free speech is to protect political opinions. That's it. You don't get to be a shitty person to other people because of "free speech".
This would have been more helpful to me last week, right before I made the awful decision to have drinks while smoking a cigar. Blech. Worst hangover of my life.
Idk. I'm 24 and I do go to concerts along with after-parties. I only do it once every few months though. And it's only on the weekend so I have a chance to recuperate. Not all people are super young or without obligations. I just like to dance!
Nuh-uh. 39 degrees right now, yo. It's not freezing, but it's pretty cold.
Pretty sure we call it pre-gaming.
Prince Harry?
I concur with PortraitofMmeX. If the balls of your feet were hurting it is usually because of shoes with very little platform at the front. Always, always get heels with at least a bit of platform. It really makes a difference.
I lol'd.
So I'm usually really good at identifying even the most ambiguous forms of satire. But this, I don't think is satire. Having said that, what the fuck how is this even okay?!
Love Jennifer Lawrence, but this looks uninteresting.