Yeah, it took about 3 minutes of reading the thread attached to Jemele's tweet to see that it's mostly white Americans reeeeally upset while everyone from the UK is like "um...this is not America, y'all."
Yeah, it took about 3 minutes of reading the thread attached to Jemele's tweet to see that it's mostly white Americans reeeeally upset while everyone from the UK is like "um...this is not America, y'all."
I think Kelvin backed into a valid point there, albeit not the one he was really trying to make. The experience of Black in America is not the experience of Black in other places around the world, and people in two different places with two different experiences can have equally valid interpretations of the same event.
The response to this on Twitter was quite telling. Black Americans went on their usual rant about appropriation while black citizens from The Islands were telling them to stand down and don’t tell us what to be offended by. There are arguments to be heard but too many Black Americans feel the need to police blackness.…
The issue that it’s mostly Americans complaining about it when in reality most foreigners are fine with her look, non-Americans see this as a case of Americans sticking their noses where they don’t belong, it’s a case of a cultural barrier where what’s seen as gauche in the USA is seen as accepted elsewhere(like how…
My rules:
That misunderstands carnival in London. The whole point is everyone gets involved in it. It isn’t exclusive.
Adele isn’t american, the carnival isn’t in America either. Carnival is for all races, and all creeds. Everyone wears any style they like, you never know what a costume is going to represent : African, Indian, European. So calling”Cultural Appropriation” on Adele’s style of dress for carnival is just ignorant. Your…
I doubt the West Indians even cared.
For more information about the history of the Notting Hill Carnival, the BBC Podcast You’re Dead to Me just covered it last week.
Adele should totally trust the perspective of a white American woman on UK-Jamaican relations.
So Watson uses her spotlight to spotlight things and, as per usual, Jezebel decides the best course of action is a snark piece.
You really ought to change the tagline of the blog from “A Supposedly Feminist Website” to “Not Even Really Pretending to Be A Feminist Website”.
I’d pay $50 to watch a livestream of tiny acrobats kicking the shit out of Daniel Lamarre.
How is that the same person!?
Look at Arnold trying to make me like him again with his donkeys and his veganism and his sound advice....
I think in his case, as well as Kristopher Hivju’s, it has to do with being in direct contact with confirmed cases. At least that’s the message we’re going to get if we ask. It kinda makes sense that there are more celebrities coming forward with positive results, they do travel a lot and meet with folks who do more…
If there’s something global we can all come together on regardless of border, race, gender, and ideology, it’s that no matter where in the world you park them, Alfa’s will fall the fuck apart.
Much like other commenters here, I am not sure why Offerman offering his thoughts on how Swanson would react during this outbreak received so much venom. The author says the question is “banal” and that’s it. Banality typically doesn’t require the warning “keep your mouths shut!”
I’m really not understanding what the problem is with Nick Offerman’s answer? It seemed very in character and like pretty good fan fiction that I would be inclined to read. Please encourage more celebrities to write their own fan fiction!