
Let’s try again: is a leader a Pilot, to be selected by merit of his uncontroversial credentials and expertise, or is a leader the Travel Agent, who books your ticket for the destination of your choice? The “consensus” third-way politics that has dominated US politics since 1992 has fallen apart. The people weren’t

There’s a really strong current of thought among technocratic elites that they don’t even HAVE an ideology, just expertise. So anyone that disagrees with them is just uneducated, rather than possessing a different set of interests. One side simply knows that privatizing your education, your healthcare, your

If you can’t see how mocking the concept of voting for your leader is anti-democratic, there’s not much hope for you

I doubt either of them are “good fighters”.

Sometimes the common people disagree with the technocratic elites for reasons that are not due to lack of education, but because they have different class interests. One example is TPP. Another is universal healthcare, which the wonks will tell the lowly commoners is simply too costly to attempt. The comic is a

This one is some technocrat’s wet dream of how democracy doesn’t work. If only the common people knew what was best for them like TPP! We should have left the decisions up to the Pilots, i.e. lanyarded ivy-league dipshits.

I see what this comic is trying to illustrate, and in a fashion it’s right. Most people aren’t smart enough to do their own investing, or understand a lot of the policies surrounding banking.