
I don’t enjoy the dumpster fire. That’s why I don’t want Democrats to keep making the same mistakes over and over.

I have said people are more open to your views if you don’t act like an asshole. Try it sometime.

Obviously everyone wants to believe they base their decisions on reason rather than emotion. The idea is that liberals and conservatives have different sources upon which they base their emotionally driven sense of morality.

You treat them with respect and if they don’t agree they don’t agree. Smugness doesn’t help. You seem unable to communicate without snark so I can understand why you don’t think it’s possible.

You sound like a miserable person. I hope your life improves and you are able to let go of all that anger.

I wish I had all the answers... Both sides need to treat the other side with more respect but I struggle to see how that will happen when so many people think the other side are literally nazis.

Does it make you feel better about yourself to insult random people on the internet because they have slightly different political views than you do? That’s sad.

This is kind of a pointless comment

This is the exact attitude I’m talking about.

Basically, he shows how ALL humans base their morality on emotion and then use reason to justify those emotions.

I recommend “The Righteous Mind” by Jonathan Haidt.

We’re not talking about whether the tooth fairy is real. We’re talking about whether the “idiotic masses”, as some would call them, deserve to decide who runs the country.

That’s a fine attitude to have if you think it’s more important to feel smug and superior than have actual power. I hope people with attitudes like yours aren’t in charge of Democrat campaigns in the future.

I’m aware. But how does this attitude win elections?

Your interpretation of the cartoon heavily depends on your political views.

Check out Akebono vs Gracie.

That attitude is not helpful.

It shows contempt for democracy in favor of technocracy. Anyways, you’ve shown yourself incapable of civil discussion so forgive me for not wanting to discuss this further with you.

I don’t like Trump

The last election should stand as good evidence as to why smug elitism is not a good strategy.