
Wow. The Map proves it. She really could see Russia from her house!

I honestly do not know how my brain got to the middle part and read it as “D Cup Fandanglers” but it amused me to no end.

This calls for washi tape. It comes in so many patterns!

Hey all. This is my first SNS in awhile. I’m nearly 5 months cancer-free (post-surgery that got it all) and I now have a nostly full time job where I feel valued. It’s a great feeling, especially after so many sucky jobs. I’m starting to carve out a little niche where in this little company and i’m feeling really

I think friendship endings are really hard-sorry you had to go through that, Brook! I always cling to friendships long after it’s clear that the other friend is starting to drift away. So I think your ability to more immediately recognize the toxicity of this particular relationship (and let it go) is admirable!

I'm there for the crazy and crazy comes in all colors.

While I’m all about a diverse bachelorette, I would not have tuned in for Caila. She was low-key crazy, and not in an endearing or amusing way. I think ABC was going to cast her, but she was just too boring. I seriously doubt this was a race issue. It was a boring issue.

I got out of a speeding ticket about a year ago by telling the cop I was having intestinal problems and trying to get to a bathroom.

keep on bringing it Rachel :)


This is on Jezebel because there’s no reason it shouldn’t be.

There should be a law allowing those of us with stomach issues the right to speed to the nearest bathroom available.

I am so torn about this. The girls (Jill, Jessa, and the other kids) have very few options open to them going forward because they were raised in a cult and are taught to be subservient and that their own beliefs and wants don’t matter. With no real options, I can’t really begrudge their doing this and I just hope

Spurgeon Seewald. I mean.

I will never understand the decision to name a child Spurgeon. These people make a shitload of poor choices, but this might take the cake.

He's funny, he has a cute face & I dig chubby dudes. I stand firmly behind my comment. Now, if only I could get him firmly behind, or in front of, me ....

By my count that’s 4 of us so far in agreement. Who else is going to get on this Seth Rogan train?

Speak for yourself! I think Seth Rogan is hot.

I also would not mind seeing Seth Rogan naked