
Please provide a list of the appropriate and inappropriate types of fandom. Asking for a friend.

I got into vinyl this past year, and by “into” I mean I bought a cheap turntable I could plug directly into my speakers, and I now have about 15 records. However...I’ve realized how much I missed the experience of physically buying records as opposed to hitting “buy” on iTunes or whatever music service I was using.

Chipotle probably knows what really happened on 9/11 and who killed JFK. These poisoned foods were planted to threaten TPTB and remind them of their place in the Illuminati pecking order.

Remember: This is Diane Salinger aka Simone from Pee Wee’s Big Adventure. I lost my -bleep- when I realized the duo that Burton used for Mama/Papa Cobblepot.

>Arrow is the most inaccurate Batman show ever made, to the point where they don’t even call him Batman.

To be fair to the penguin, if I grew up in a house like this, I’d probably end up a murdering sociopath too

I already know what to do if I get stuck in India during a zombie epidemic.

Needs more Archangel, but I like it.