
What part was ‘fake’? Shows like this and Idol have so many people audition for them there’s more than enough real life ridiculous situations/dynamics/personalities - then throw in that everyone who goes out to audition WANTS to be on TV and is willing to put up with being judged/rejected on national television and

Yes, clearly it’s the fact that she has an innie that is thwarting her dreams of being a professional singer. Did you even watch the clip? She sounded like a decent singer at your local karaoke night zipping through a pop tune. He had range and dynamics and sang a much more difficult song. It had nothing to do with

Ah, I see, you were being polite. I’ve been on the web too long, I barely recognize politeness anymore.

1. I stop listening to anyone as soon as they say “Trust Me”. If you are telling the truth, you have facts and information to back you up you only need to say “trust me” when you are either lying through your teeth or have no idea whether something is true or not and are trying to convince people you know what you are

I hope you are being sarcastic, because Matt’s explanation really makes no sense. Then again, he’s the kind of person who is fine with calling 2-wheeled self-balancing scooters “hoverboards” so what kind of accuracy can you really expect from that kind of person?

If we are being pedantic, then you have to realize that an app that uses web protocols to read content from one or more websites IS a web browser, just a custom browser that limits where you can go and what you can see.


Don’t need to feel better, I don’t drink coca-cola. I used to be an addict and would go through probably close to 2-liters a day, but haven’t drunk the stuff for years. I try it every few years because I remember liking it, but the consistency and sweetness taste like kids cough syrup to me now.

That’s not really accurate, videogames were really popular with teenagers and a little less so with early 20-somethings, but there was a HUGE age divide - in 1984 videogames didn’t have the mass/cross-demographic age group appeal they have now. Unless you hung with a real nerdy crew and you were over 23 or 24 you were

Right, because the only young(ish) women who aren’t model skinny with flat stomachs have to be pregnant? Welcome to the future, old-timey time traveller from the neanderthal past!

I am sure they could write off most of the ‘profits’ as ‘expenses’ the way movie studios do. And even if it did take ‘years’ to make, we are talking making-music-years which is far cry from ‘sit-in-a-cubical-(or-do-hard-physical-labor)-9-to-5-five-days-a-week-50-weeks-a-year years.

Using a product like Coke which is notorious for having insane amounts of sugar (high fructose corn syrup these days) in it is hardly a good basis if you are trying to make the case that the daily recommended allowance of sugar is too low. If on the other hand you are trying to subtly remind people how much sugar soft

In my day we didn’t have fancy-schmancy formatting like italics or bold, all we had was CAPS for bold, _underscore_ for underlining, and /slashes/ for italics.

True, but more significantly, I kind Kinja formatting to nearly unusable. Besides the annoyance of having to turn on formatting then extra steps of click-drag

My point was not the number of reasons you gave, but your reductionist view that you knew all the reasons and that they were all invalid.

So let me try to present a different and imo very practical reason why people might think vinyl sounds better than digital audio, despite the audio science that says otherwise. One

It’s a common case of circular logic (or what gets called a ‘catch 22’). Like how you have to have experience to get a good job, but the best way to get a good job (unless you have family in high places) is to have experience.

Tell that to the 10’s of thousands of satisfied sexy cop and sexy fireman uniform buyers.

I understand what ‘got to you’, which is why I explained what I meant. The caps lock were meant to emphasize the text, because your initial comment sounded very off-hand as if food poisoning due to KNOWN tainted food being sold wasn’t even important unless someone died. Since someone did die, 9 someones, it seemed

I didn’t say you were an ‘insensitive jerk’ I didn’t say anything or insinuate anything about you at all other than to describe your comment as ‘spouting off’ - by which I meant no moral failing on your part, just that you spoke without having the facts.

I agree that selling tainted food is completely unrelated to

“doing the laundry” is also an old euphemism I heard years ago as part of a “Sven and Ollie” (no idea about spelling) joke. (Sven and Ollie being an old swedish/norwegian couple)