
The devil went a courting, he did ride, mmmm hmmmm..... mmmm hmmmm....

honestly? ‘proud bird’ and ‘the individual whose chromo tintype’ were not the first two things I thought these animals represented.

Those might be factors for some people, but clearly there are a lot of other factors involved. Things like being able to hold the ‘music’ in your hand, and hold the artwork on the album and having print large enough to read. It’s like the difference between a physical book and an ebook. People wanting to read physical

Not really at all. The things that “drew” me into vinyl were being able to select what I wanted to hear & replayability (can’t replay a song you just heard on the radio), and the quality of the sound - premanufactured (studio released) vinyl was of much higher quality than premanufactured cassettes.

Do your research before you spout off, the tainted peanut butter KILLED 9 PEOPLE.

How is that a problem? And what do you imagine a utensil with knife, fork and spook all at the same end would look like? That sounds pretty unwieldy/awkward to me.

How is that a problem? And what do you imagine a utensil with knife, fork and spook all at the same end would look

There’s no blame there, just amazing amounts of awesomeness.

There were a couple of guys who were smart/old enough to know better who tried to kickstart a sequel to the Myth series of real-time-strategy games (created by Bungie pre:Halo) a few years ago - despite the fact that they didn’t own the rights to the games, the rights were owned by an existing game company and neither

Holiday season is a great time to buy a TV but other than one-off doorbuster type sales on a single model TV, but I’ve found more models with more serious discounts for sale during the 2 weeks immediately preceding the superbowl.

Your logic is rather sketchy since you are basically saying “because apples I demand oranges”, but evens0, according to Arthur C Clark any technology can be perceived as “magic”, so this is in fact a “magic mirror”.

As someone not tethered 24-7 to an electronic pacifier (aka smartphone) I can see how this could be useful.

Lest you jumpt to the wrong conclusion, I am not an anti-smartphone luddite, I have several smartphones, and multiple tablets and a few computers but I am not in the habit of looking at any them first thing in