
It’s another appeal to stupidity. MAGAs aren’t capable of understanding finance, or comprehending how you can put your name on something and NOT own it. Anyone with half a brain knows Trump doesn’t own that plane, any of the buildings with his name on it, any of his golf resorts, or much of anything else. Russian

There’s a very simple retort to it. Yes, it is kind of curious how he can fund all this stuff after taking such massive losses, isn’t it? Who’s really paying for it? Does he somehow have a bunch of money that he concealed, and those tax losses were fake? Is someone else funding him secretly?

I’ve been laughing since yesterday at the current reichwing spin.... They’re really here now, they’re officially reduced to “Well, who cares? He’s rich, and you’re not, so nyaah!” Any other attempts at fact-adjacent spin have already been shot down, and “so nyaah” is all that’s left.

That logic is beyond all reality. The man has a long history of failing at every business he owns, but because he has a plane, all that failure is somehow nullified.

Sock Puppets. That is the best description of them. Why? Because they basically have the hands of white people up their asses forcing them to say the shit that they want to hear. Between woker than thou Hotep’s and these sellouts it will take a miracle to get this pig out of office. They, meaning networks, so want The

Here’s to that last breath!

This was all very informative, but wouldn’t it have been more digestible in an audio format? Perhaps in some sort of file downloadable to mobile devices, and given a punny, football-coach-based name?

The older I get, the more often I find the answer is just capitalism.

The NBA is far superior in this regard. Far.

Popovich and Steve Kerr are also great on this topic. It’s amazing how bad football is even though the racial league makeup is somewhat similar. And yet, most offensive lines in football are one step removed from a Klan meeting.

Oh shit...This whole thing was just a snowglobe Bran kept looking at.

I think the Star Trek: TNG might be the only other finale I think of as fondly as Breaking Bad.
Almost but not quite for the Wire finale.

Don’t stop believing!

The successful finale hit-rate of otherwise great shows is so low that just by the numbers, it’s hard to expect this to be satisfactory.

The numbers they are using are absurd, but it’s “only a little more than half that being spent ($100 bill plus tax, or 108.88, twice a week, every week). They disingenuously base the savings on the difference between tipping 20% post-tax to tipping double the tax (17.75%), which is obviously based on a pre-tax

THIS is the math we need to talk about. Oh, congrajidations on saving $400 when you’ve been spending about that much a week on dining out?! Wait ‘til I tell this guy about white bread and cold cuts!

If you’re saving $400 per year by tipping 2% less then you’re spending $20000/yr on dining out (pre tax) Bet that 400 bucks means a lot to you.

Which just means he shouldn’t be doing things like repealing attempts at national healthcare.