
Well, they’re hostile, right? They probably just want to waste your time and piss you off.

you just described the civ cycle.

I want them to fix the diplomacy idiocy where civs open negotiations by saying “here is a deal we won’t take!”

My first thought was “po baby”. I wonder how long it took her to get any trace of kink out of her hair.

Well, self-loathing is a thing..

Disrespect our flag and our country and this is how we’ll react.”

Your story is good too though!

I wished that was not true because I want his career and his lively hood be destroyed by getting disbarred and fired from his job and he becomes destitute and homeless.

from the Nike reading session he clearly needs

I’m going to go ahead and suggest he’s not a lawyer. Or at least not one who can legally practice... hence having his schedule free to drink shitty beer on public transportation.

Why is the NFL, and Jerry Jones specifically, keeping this issue alive? I don’t pretend for a second it is even remotely a moral stance. Hell I’d even respect them a little for it if it were. A little.

If the NFL crumbles from within because a 49er QB took a knee, I’ll be the smilingest motherfucker on the planet.

Whoa whoa. You’re telling me that white people in charge of young black men and also profit massively from these black men’s talents would change the rules and not say anything? And then use the revised rule as a way of punishing said black men for going against the wishes of their white employers? In America?

Oh god I so hope this is the opening volley in the labor battle that destroys the NFL

Pictured: bloggers on the Internet bitching about people on Reddit bitching about nothing, with a bunch of unverified Tweets as proof

At this point the people bitching about Rick and Morty’s worst fans are about as intolerable as Rick and Morty’s worst fans. And I’m pretty sure the former outnumber the latter. As far as the sauce debacle goes - yeah people should grow up some and the whole thing is embarrassing. But to play devil’s advocate for a

Sure, and any legislation should use the proper terms. But if a Lifehacker article misuses them I don’t think it’s a noteworthy event.

Look, even Sean Hannity called it a fucking clip. Nobody gives a shit about you donning your Captain Pedantic cape when people are dying and at least someone (including the fucking NRA of all groups) is down to try something to fix the issue at hand.


Consolation prizes to: