
its not partisan in the opinion. Quite a few Republican Lawyers and judges have looked at it and gone nope not happening. The partisan opinion are the people trying to defend something that should be completely indefensible based on what America stands for.

The right level of government for any given policy is whatever one they happen to control at the moment.

“Local level”...

Yeah, Ted Cruz is pretty much the smartest legal mind in any room he walks into. The problem for him is that he has been pandering to his base and taking on lightweights in the press for so long that he’s now out of shape.

“ApartisanlitigantsezWhut?” - Sally Yates

One of his classmates from Harvard wrote an article about Cruz’s talents and surmised that they are limited to the courtroom. The political arena is a poor choice for him because he is utterly unlikable even among his awful colleagues who share his abhorrent beliefs. Please see Sam Bee’s episode dedicated to Cruz’s

“I believe at the end of the day we’re teaching our students about violence,”Norton said.

Exactly. Ted Cruz is no dummy (at least, intellectually... emotional intelligence is another matter).

When he said that, I yelled “Oh, FUCK you” at my computer. I’m so glad my kids aren’t home from school yet.

Later on she says something like “we aren’t some law firm, we’re the department of justice”

Cruz is odious but he’s not dumb. You don’t get to be a clerk for SCOTUS if you are an idiot. What nailed him is he lacks the ability to adapt. Apparently that was an issue in his college debate days. He can’t respond to the unexpected. It also seems that he underestimated Yates.

Yeah, this is straight bullshit. That’s an ad hominem for sure.

i understand thats what partisan litigants might say” is the new “i’m sorry that you were offended by what i did.

So he tried to take a hearing on Russia and turn it into “evil Muslims.” Fuck you, Ted Cruz, this is why no one likes you.

“left spluttering”...


“If your going to critique, at least be accurate.”

They’re both so insufferable. I wondered how they stayed married to other people all of those years. At one point, they were calling each other “Mommy” and “Daddy.” No way in hell would I be happy with my spouse behaving that way with their co-worker. Their divorce will be a shit show of epic proportions.

So who’s starring in the inevitable romcom based on their lives?

That’s my fear- that crazy right wingers aren’t going away, just moving crazier and crazier online.