
“Yeah but even if that’s true, that’s stupid. A slow chase through space isn’t going to use fuel?”

“So they are willing to spend days chasing the resistance when all the First Order had to do is jump a few ships slightly ahead of them and wipe them out.”

The best solution there, I feel, is take the one person you want to highlight most, have the rest of the SHIELD team we know and love be wiped out, and have their solo story whipping up a new team of randos, “______ - Agent of SHIELD”.

If my Thunderbolts prediction works out, there’s exactly one character she’d look ideal to play:

Can you imagine if this whole peace accord was a plan by Kim or China to undermine the US, basically counting on Trump to do something like this so they can shame the US, demand more from SK, and create an unbalanced NK resolution that blatantly favors China and makes them look like the good guys?

“... unless you consider Jesus to be the First Avenger.”

“I’m open to conversation, but what are your suggestions?”

More and more, they set her right up for being the way to low key slip She-Hulk into the Netflix series stable. I mean, look at it. At this point, she has several reasons to be paying close attention to experimental bleeding edge medical treatments, a need for new lawyers in her firm, and perhaps a bit of a newfound

I’m thinking that if I’m right on the guess that we see the Infinity War duology end with the MCU’s big guns AWOL, it would be entirely fitting that Rhodes scrambles to assemble a team to deal with the next Big Thing™ that happens while the main Avengers are out there somewhere in space and time. My presumption has

“Yeah, but as the OP ask: Why? Who is she trying to appeal to? It doesn’t make sense.”

Sad part is I don’t think the right liked Hoover nearly as much as they’re into Trump now, despite sucking more.

Quite fair. Could definitely see some of that.

Is that a reference in the comics I’m missing, or just a taste thing?

If she wasn’t already Night Nurse, I’d agree with you, but Hogarth and Temple are perfect costars for whoever they can find for the role of She-Hulk. That said, there’s no reason Jennifer Walters has to look especially much like Mark Ruffalo pre-transformation.

“You’re just mad I’m winning the race to the bottom.” - Prelude to a Catastrophy

Today: when the pigeon shits on the chessboard after knocking over the pieces.

“Conservatives always supported MLK, why, just watch this footage of Birmingham supporters hydrate the protestors. So thoughtful!” - Glenn Beck, probably.

Internet rules of posting: The prime motivation is righteous indignation. When that can’t be found, it’s for the lulz. And once lulz are found where they might not need to be, the righteous indignation can act on that. Thus the shit cycle persists eternal.

OR he blabs to everyone and starts pushing to do some gung-ho shit on his own anyhow. From her standpoint, no answer was good, and she couldn’t presume that he could have wrangled up anything that dramatic that quickly. Hell, and it’s only that Finn and Rose screwed up so bad on finding the right guy the plan went

“*Edit: Which by the way, raises the question: Where are the Knights of Ren? I’ve been thinking this off and on over the past viewings. Snoke even mentions them by name. So what happened to them?”