
“Yeah, the people who thought Hillary Clinton was a socialist would have absolutely voted for someone who calls himself one.”

I was thinking of more of a scenario where a Nanny State US banned all fatty foods, and boigahs smuggled in from an alternate, delicious reality spark a deep-fried revolution.

When the concept of PC has been so villianized, verbal beliggerance is a feature, not a bug, for a big chunk of the electorate.

Not just any mini burgers...

“projecting weakness, surrender, and capitulation”

What? Dude, his armor is light red.

Jesus Christ is a radical leftist Islamist apologist.

Him being Zemo is specifically important because it leaves him open for important comic story analogues in future movies. He can end up in a Masters of Evil sort of situation... or...

In the New World Disorder, the Neo-Nazis and Neo-Soviets are racing for control of the soul of the American Right.

Fair enough, but it seems it’d cut both ways - if you’re concerned about trying to be diplomatic with one side, might be worth doing the same with the other too.

So’s a lack of basic science education, but I don’t hear you snarking off about that.

Sadly, America will.

People die every day, and money disappears sometimes. Why do people get so upset when I just accelerate those processes? :V

Someone really should open /r/highenergyinvestigations, huh.

“Instead of just parroting what Stephen Colbert says, why doesn’t anyone at gawker really look into things instead of just branding everyone “conspiracy kooks”?”

“You are only one of many many people I’ve heard say they are now reconsidering having children.”

Chances are they hate gays and gay sex because it’s a loophole over the “baby punishment system” they love so much.

Probably because a lot of them don’t actually believe one of:

They’ve been here forever, and ever since the ‘90s push for political correctness got bigotry and disrespect mostly hushed in the workplace, they’ve been fuming in the crevices of American culture. It’s been a gas just looking for an escape route to be released, and 2016 has let it all boil out on display to the world.

He was a real Shitarus, Randy. Fly too close to the shit sun with your shit wings, and bam! It all goes to shit.