
"In order for an audience member to sympathize with the goal of your movie, they need to be able to see someone who accepts and fights for this worldview as a hero."

I was just messing around. But yeah, let's go sue the Olmecs. Copyright infringing a-holes.

Are you sure you aren't crossing wires? I know X-Men had the Savage Lands stuff, but now you're telling me the Sentinels were built in the Hidden Temple atop the Super Aggro Crag?

I know, and what's with the quotes? Is the doom ironic?

Best Displacer Beast on film, all years.

My prediction: Eobard will start off as a friend. Like Tommy Merlyn, some shit's gonna go down at a horribly inopportune moment around the end of the first season. Rather than die, though, Eobard's going to be crippled. That'll be the start of the West/Thawne rivalry that will echo down to the future, where the

Dogetor Who?

Yup, the red arrow hint was left back in season 1. The Mirakuru juicing seems to be an equivalent to the cybernetics Roy got later on in the comics - make up for time and experience with raw power.

Three of the ones I really like that haven't been mentioned so far:

Now playing

I'd watch that. But I have to agree... not dark enough!

Given they've talked about making some smaller films, among them "Deathstroke", there's a decent chance we could see more Manu rampage.

Is that the one that essentially states that if someone like us were to get sufficiently advanced, they'd create a bunch of simulated universes, and with the processing power of a super-advanced society, it's likely that more universes exist that are simulations than not, and we're therefore more likely to be in a

Blessed be the Oracle, the Sun, and the Holy Diskette, A Drive.

Someone get to your smartphone! We need to go deeper...

Maybe, but given the other clips, I don't think it's fair to necessarily presume that. The other clips actually seem to show roughly the thesis for the film, which makes Robocop something of the confluence of commercial and government power around people's fears and aspirations. The original Robocop was about a time

Only one man can clarify all this...!

"Ceres a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Saturn,"

I think that's supposed to be part of the difference. In the '80s, technology was still somewhat alien and inhuman, whereas toady we're as a society increasingly one with our tech. If the hints from the trailer are indicative that the moral crux of the story is more about control over our lives through technology,

St.ars Elsewhere was such a spiral...