
Your give your one-eyed monster stereo vision?

Yeah, I think they know (for now) there's a line for how blatant the messaging can be before you piss a lot of people right off. Give it the ol' Idiocracy timeshift, though, and I'd imagine it would be so pervasive that people just rattle off company taglines like nothing. Wanna go through the door to the subway

Seconded. My left foot is ticklish even to my own actions. Maybe there's enough signal delay to throw the usual defenses off?

Apparently, the 'S' is also for spider. Pretty sure those claw 'V's aren't consummate either.

"I hate sharks."

Fun fact: In the 1800s, the US was hated by Europe for something very similar - book reprinting. Profiting off of ignoring copyrights has existed as long as copyrighting has.

But that's a fair exchange. He has to be bugged before he's allowed to bug us! :D

Close, but probably not. In any of the MOBA/ARTS/DOTA-clone games, the 'creep' bots are mostly aligned with one team or the other. I can't recall a primarily neutral attacking team in-between a vs. match. What'd be awesome if implemented would be a CTF type of mode where both teams are racing to extract something from

Blasphemer! Darkseid is ANTI-LIFE!

It appears someone really misspelled "Atlas Shrugged". >_>

Oh, wow. Mitt named three popular supports? Oh, sports. He's so relatable now!

My 'false' wasn't to the issue of if it had been cool, but that it's not something to to worry about. Plus, that's a pretty harsh spike in the temperature compared with the measures over the change rate in earlier centuries.

"...according to some the Earth has been abnormally cool over the past few thousand years, so heating back up isn't really anything to freak out about."


Possibly, but at the same time, the same insulating clothes would provide some buffer between the temperature dropping around him and his own stabilized body temp.

"We have as much right to drive a car on the road as we do to walk on the road. If we do not need a license to walk on the road then we should not need a license to drive on the road."

Driving on public roads requires a license from the controlling body, or it's authorized to punish you in accordance to the law. You have a right to do what you will with a car on your own property, but as a common good, the vast majority of roads require you abide by the laws in order to make use of them.

I think it's that now the "Second World" is the group of developing countries, like BRIC and some of the more well-off from the old 3rd World definition.

Because modern Michigan is making Robocop increasingly close to a documentary... they need to keep it clearly fictional.