
Why they haven't crossed over Marvel Superheroes with this era's kick for musicals is beyond me.

That's for later. Baby steps!

If it only takes a few days in a cave, I'm sure he could whip something up pretty quick.


Yeah, we've pushed it down to where if you're not reading at like 3, it's odd. But then, in a typically American fashion, once we win the race to be first, we slough off the rest of that thur learnin'.

There's still the isolationist wing of the Republican Party (Pat Buchanan et al.) that is pissed off over NAFTA and globalism in general. They're not the corporatist front, so they're mostly just pandered to on occasion over getting out of the UN and so on. This just happens to be a perfect case where corporatist

So, was the guy who planned this a Jaeger Shyster?

Just the tip?

There's a huge difference between laughs from witty banter and rapport vs. laughing at the absurdity of a premise. The latter is far more likely to push a movie into a bad place.

More like sputter poetry, amirite?

A more deliberate willingness to give into bribes? Massive tax cuts and deregulation for him and his peers in massive wealth?

Vacuums prevent convection, but not radiation. Your body will still lose heat eventually, but it takes far longer with just radiation to do it.

RNA needs to get off its duff, and work for that second oxygen molecule. No more government transfers and replications!

Clarify 'good'. The major studios don't seem willing to go for a pay less / make less strategy with the superhero movies because the merchandizing and other revenue streams require they be major spectacles. There's a possibility for an amazing Green Lantern movie series, but it would be harder to market to a younger

That's my favorite part about the law. I'm a US citizen from birth, but as I was born in Canada, the ONLY way to prove my right to citizenship is my passport. Therefore, their law basically suggests I have to carry my passport to travel within the US - unless it's a racist law, in which case I don't have to fear

So he can go to Sunday School, got it.

Going by the Blizzard model, EA will just base everything off of their servers. Crack our game? Fantastic, still need to log in to Origin to do anything.

But looking at the obesity epidemic, we're already starting to do that. Some games and other online entertainment can be so engrossing people are absorbed into focusing on them above and beyond almost anything else, so it seems plausible at least some people might just let themselves go almost completely as immersion

Hey, they've gotta save SOMETHING for the sequel.

Because you're a /d/eviant?