
There's a key difference mentioned there, though... oil doesn't have anywhere near the re-useability of copper. Unless some major breakthrough occurs to fix that, we will eventually hit the point where the cost to extract more costs greatly more to where prices must accelerate rapidly. We seem to have a growing buffer

When I was little, my first computer was a Tandy 2000 SL2, and it came with an online service that looked remarkably similar to that one. So it might've been the first one, but it wasn't alone by the mid '80s.

Not only that, but teen pregnancy can get you paid!* It almost feels like some Bizarro World stuff with her and MTV. "Girls! Don't let some guy ruin your life with sex! But... if he -does-, here's our card. Get in touch with our talent coordinator, and maybe you can something good out of a tragic accident."

Thank you. I was very randomly inspired.

And this is why porn download abstinence is a bad idea. We should teach proper storage contraception techniques to keep these STDs (Screen-Transmitted Diddles) from getting into our classrooms. Pulling out the memory stick is not safe!

Would that make the final scene of the episode the prelude to Secret Wars...? :O

If I ran an airline, where my business model is predicated on shipping around a bunch of people in confined jets, I would imagine endorsing vaccinations is a very good idea for business, what with sick people being less likely to fly and those who do increasing the chance of messing up other passengers.