Elon's Backdoor Musk

You do realize that neighborhoods and events are different things right?

He was shot just up the road from me. Scary story.

Personally, I've been drinking my feelings.


We need to start a go fund me to get that van here!

Kiss are awful. This car is awful.

Spectacular avatar. 

I bought a 2007 Fit with 180,000 kms on it for $2500 two years ago. 30,000 kms later it’s needed nothing. Good reliable deals do happen. Go for it!!

There’s a local wine called 4 Skins.

Because their razors are gas powered?

The circuit itself is 2.5 miles (or 4.1 km for you Canadians out there)“

Would you eat something that had a 1/200 chance of killing you? Now imagine that you only had to be in the same room with the deadly food to be affected.

Whip it out and grab the measuring tape!

Drinking vinegar is also awful for your teeth. 

Bud light and meth is not a great smell.

Life's been good to me so far.


You know, this is why the rest of the world thinks Americans are crazy.