
That's why I refuse to network the computers in my home. You never know when the Cylons will come back.

Hey, if Hugh Dillon's character does die, he should get a nice Headstone.

I mean, the only true villain in Asimov's Foundation trilogy was a street clown…

What do a bunch of fictional characters in American Crime Story have to to with this?

Oh, now that's a good possibility… apparently he did have a band in the 90s that never really amounted to much, active from 1993 to 1999. So the timing would work out, and Sam has had a pretty decent career as a solo artist.

It all falls apart when the prosecution asks the defendant to try on the low pressure system brought on as evidence and the storm is unable to generate enough energy to pass Category II.

I even looked up the actor last week to see if I knew him from anything (I didn't), so this thread puts everything to rest for me.

I just looked it up because of your comment, and yeah… ugh. All the weird texturing, and then the logo just looks oddly placed, like it's way too high on his chest. Also, I don't really understand why they felt the need to ditch the white circle, either…

My suspicion is that they'd planned on this season being the same length as the first season and they've had to condense some of the plots to keep the story moving. It would explain why there have been so many rapid developments this year.

I thought they closed Chicago after the 1980s?

Of course, there's also Washington DC, Los Angeles, and… well that's it, isn't it? Washington, LA, and New York, America's three cities.

To be fair, we have no idea what the next 41 steps in the plan were.

Wasn't the beach itself in California, though? It pops up in a lot of stuff, along with the Vasquez Rocks, which also appeared in Westworld.

Same, Zach's one of the reasons I became a regular here. I think his criticisms are totally fair and make a lot of sense to me.

Ironically, Jack Harkness seemed to go from bisexual (or omnisexual, really) when he first showed up to basically just being gay by the time Torchwood wrapped up.

Not to mention a song about being bi.

Now, thankfully, they're all locked up at Iron Heights.

Where can we find a venue that can hold all 37 of us, though?

I'm down, so long as it's the little boy turns out to be the child version of Ford.