
I actually noticed that the guy standing just behind Dark Coop reminded me strongly of Bob.

Did you buy the zoo?

Michael Cain also has a voice cameo as the RAF dispatcher in the beginning.

I liked how they incorporated that speech, myself. It made perfect sense to have one of the evacuees just read it in the paper instead of hearing a recording or something. The whole movie was from the perspective of average soldiers, and it was a great call to keep it there rather than deferring to the people in power.

Combinations are fine, but there is an additional charge.

So no Who in this? Is Dunkirk a fixed point in time?

Nope! Turns out nicotine withdrawal is a hell of a thing.

Yup, I got a Winkie's vibe from him as well tonight. Partly from that slow deliberate walk down the corridor… excuse me while I go shiver for a bit.

Depends on if we get a third Coop who is the Mayor of Portland or not.

It sounds like you have a lot of issues to unpack here.

In lieu of the kiss, I'll take the $500 I need for a ticket.

Blue as a blue rose?


That's the second-greatest Simpsons reference I've ever seen!

“In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.”

As someone who got into MST well after it was off the air, I find I tend to often need a break partway through, even. I tend to watch half an episode one night, and then finish it the next.

To be fair, some of us are a bit concerned about dear old mum, as well.

I'd never seen that video from Letterman before, but I found myself oddly reminded of Gord Downie. Not quite the same sort of performance, but it seems to come from a similar place.

The Commonwealth is just concerned for her rebellious black sheep of a cousin.

I was honestly too distracted by the fact that The Wrath of Khan came out in 1982 to pay attention to the rest of the list…