
You know, this could be just the window of opportunity we need for that Arrowverse musical episode that everyone seems to want.

Yeah, it's been a great way to give the show a sense of forward momentum without losing sight of the central drama.

I'm wondering if we might actually have two theme songs this season. The whole "I'm just a girl in love" thing doesn't really make sense going forwards.

An excellent decision. Rachel Bloom's manic stare is one of the all-time great manic stares.

Damn it, I'm behind on Supergirl. Ah well, it's not really a show I watch for the plot anyway.

The second season has been knocking it out of the park so far. The songs are great, it's somehow even funnier, and it's really nailing the emotional and character beats with a ton of nuance. So yeah, I'd say it's even better than last year, at least so far.

Okay, okay, I'm confused. Why are you going on about the next Deadpool movie? That's Marvel, right?

Hey everyone, look at this idiot who can't recognize Ken Jeong when he sees him.

FoW sneakily became a band where I owned all of their albums. I didn't set out to do it, it just kind of happened.

I had to grab my phone and scroll through social media feeds during that scene. I wasn't really reading them, mind, just trying to find something else to look at.

Poor Daryl. He really tries.

CEG is one of those shows where sometimes I just can't physically watch what's happening on the screen. The party bus got to me last year, and this episode was another, where I just had to look away at times because it was cringeworthy in the best way. It's almost up there with The Office UK, at this point.

Haha, no worries. He was actually half the reason I started watch the show, as a big FoW fan (the other half being Rachel), so it's kind of always in the back of my mind.

So you know, Adam Schlesinger was actually one of FoW's two frontmen, along with Chris Collingwood, so it wasn't so much a catch as me being primed to look for that influence in CEG's songs.

Despite the pop-punk influence, I think that might have been the song where I most felt Adam Schlesinger's influence. A few tweaks and I could easily imagine it being a lost Fountains of Wayne b-side, something like one of their songs off Utopia Parkway.

It was probably the second-biggest for me. Hector's story about parking just wins out.

I've always appreciated Michael Caine's take on the matter. For anyone who doesn't know the quote, he said, when asked of being in Jaws 4: "I have never seen the film, but by all accounts it was terrible. However I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific."

James Cromwell is another, though he might be a little bit better known.

I mean, that's basically how it works in the comics, as I recall. So at least the "logic" is consistent.