
I keep forgetting that we now live in a world where getting access to the CW's fight choreographers is a good thing.

If the show was written by Joss Whedon, there would have been one really cool hat that we really grow to like over the course of the episode and then catches on fire halfway through.

This is why all of my hats are pumpernickel.

Can you imagine the training required to take over that alias, though? You'd need classes on how to properly quip after dispatching a henchman, the precise amount of time to pause when introducing yourself as "Bond… James Bond", and on building up a massive alcohol tolerance.

One's cheeseboard must be precisely arrange for maximum efficiency before beginning any television marathon.

SPOILERS: The real villain turns out to be the Arizona Diamondbacks, it's a real letdown.

To be fair, if David Lynch was to arrange someone's death, I'd expect it to be something along those lines.


Funny, I thought I just closed the tab where I had Reddit open.

It's pretty easy, man. Ollie is the one who dresses in green and is good with a bow, and Cisco has weird mental powers and names all the supervillains.

I find I can replace ketchup with hot sauce in a lot of situations and it'll work just as well.

Dijon ketchup?

Wait, what does Warcraft have to do with this?

We do have Bacon McMuffins, though, which inexplicably aren't served south of the border.

Yeah, they're kind of like the original eclectic Canadian indie band. Very experimental, but I think they did a lot to help kick off all of the stuff that came along in the late 90s and 2000s.

"Edinboro?" Really? I'm pretty sure that Scotland is turning in its grave right now.

The Rheos are so Canadian that Gord Downie gives them a shout-out for opening for them on the Hip's first live album.

Followed closely by dozens and dozens of "Sorry" jokes.

The impression I have is that Steve wasn't terribly happy with that direction, either, so that probably factored into things as well.